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Guide To Choosing Your HVAC Unit

Guide To Choosing Your HVAC Unit

Choosing the right HVAC unit is an important decision, as it will dictate how comfortable your home will be for years to come. To help you narrow down your options, read this blog to get a better idea of how to pick an HVAC unit that is best suited for you! Read on to find out!

What Size Do You Need?

Like anything else in life size tends to matter for most things, and your HVAC unit is no different. You do not want to have an AC Unit that cannot keep up with your home because it’s too small for the square footage.

Figuring out the square footage is easy, just multiply the length of each room by its width and add them up! That gives you the total square footage of your home. For example, a room that’s 10 feet by 12 feet is 120 square feet. If you have more than one floor in your home, add together all their square footage as well.

How Loud Is The Unit

When using your HVAC unit, you do not want it to be loud. Obviously, it is going to make some version of noise; however, you don’t want it to be loud in the middle of the night and wake up the neighborhood. Your unit should not make a lot of noise, though most HVAC units are now very quiet.

If you’re looking for a quiet HVAC unit, then you should consider a heat pump or reverse cycle air conditioner. These units are much quieter than other types of systems. A variable speed furnace can also help keep your furnace from running as often, which reduces the noise level.

How Energy Efficient Is The Unit?

An HVAC unit’s efficiency depends on its SEER or seasonal energy efficiency rating. The higher this number is, the more efficient the unit is. Energy efficiency is important because it helps reduce your utility bills and ultimately cuts back on greenhouse gas emissions. Look for a unit that has an Energy Star rating or other certification from the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA.

What type of heating and cooling does it offer?

You’ll want to consider what kind of weather conditions exist where you live and how much space needs to be cooled or heated. For example, if you live in a warm climate with mild winters, then an air conditioner may be more suitable than a furnace. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures or many days below freezing, then a furnace might be better suited for your home. A central air conditioner offers both heating and cooling.

How Much Maintenance Will Your HVAC Require?

If you live in an area where snow and ice are common, then you may want to choose a unit with a heat pump. Heat pumps are much easier to maintain than traditional air conditioners. A heat pump uses electricity to heat your home during the winter and cools it during the summer. If you live in an area where it doesn’t get too cold during the winter, then an air conditioner will suffice for heating purposes. However, if there is any chance of snow or ice on your roof or around your house, then it’s best to go with a heat pump instead of an air conditioner.

Lions HVAC Is Here To Guide You To Your Perfect HVAC

At Lions HVAC, we stick with you through all the steps to finding the perfect HVAC unit for your home on your budget. Contacting us is the best way to get the journey of choosing your new HVAC unit started! Lions HVAC is the number one HVAC company in Los Angeles! We have your back no matter what.