How Long Does Air Duct Cleaning Take in Los Angeles

How Long Does Air Duct Cleaning Take in Los Angeles

When it comes to air duct cleaning, some people are going to think, “no big deal, I can do it myself” this is the wrong mentality to have. It is much safer to have your air ducts cleaned by professionals such as Lions HVAC. Read on to get a better understanding of how long air duct cleaning in Los Angeles will take for your home.

What Kind Of Air Duct System Do You Have?

There are different types of Air Duct Systems, some easier to clean than others. Sheet Metal Air Ducts are probably the most common. Then there are fiberglass-lined air ducts, fiberboard air ducts, and flexible air ducts. The different types of air ducts will affect how long your air duct takes to clean. A Los Angeles HVAC Company can provide you with air duct cleaning services.

What Are The Easiest Air Ducts To Clean?

Flexible plastic air ducts can be cleaned using a brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner, while rigid plastic ones tend to require more specialized equipment such as brushes or blowers in order to get the job done correctly.

Metal air ducts can be cleaned with a special kind of brush explicitly designed for this purpose. These brushes can be attached to any type of vacuum cleaner, which makes them very easy to use and maintain.

When Was The Last Time Your Air Ducts Were Cleaned?

The more often you get your air ducts cleaned in Los Angeles, the less time it takes to clean each time. If you have an older home, there may be more dust to clean out of your air ducts, depending again on when you last had them cleaned. It’s so important to make sure that you keep up with air duct cleaning so the air quality in your home is top-notch.

It’s best to have a professional clean your air ducts because they are trained to clean without incident. You do not want to break any part of your air ducts in Los Angeles.

Best Way To Clean Air Duts In Los Angeles

The best way to clean the air ducts is by hiring professional cleaners who know how to do their job well and use the proper tools for cleaning. However, it may not be possible for you to do this all by yourself, so it’s better if you hire professionals who can do this job perfectly and give you better results than any other method of cleaning can provide.

At Lions HVAC, we have skilled employees who will be able to clean your air ducts in Los Angeles properly. This will give your home better air quality for your whole family. It will also help any allergy symptoms in your home to be less severe.

Make Time To Clean Your Air Ducts

If you have not cleaned your air ducts for a long time, it is likely that you will need more than one cleaning session. This is because the dirt and dust that has accumulated in your air ducts will be compacted into a solid mass.

So, the first thing that you should do is make time to clean your air ducts. The best time to do this would be during the winter months when you are not using your heating or cooling systems. Air duct cleaning, in general, only takes around 4 hours max. You also don’t necessarily need to be at your home at the time of the cleaning.

Turn Your HVAC Off

When cleaning your air ducts, you want to make sure that your system is turned off, so the Lions HVAC technician isn’t affected by the air conditioning or heating cycle. If it is not turned off, it can make it much harder for our technicians to be done cleaning in a timely manner. Make your life and their life easier. Our AC Company is here to make your air quality pristine.

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