How Long Does It Take To Replace An HVAC System In Los Angeles?

How Long Does It Take To Replace An HVAC System in Los Angeles?

Replacing an HVAC in Los Angeles can be a daunting task. Lots of HVAC companies in Los Angeles to choose from and not knowing which to pick or which to trust. Knowing how long the actual replacement may take depends on a few factors. Read on to learn more about how much time you may need to set aside for your HVAC replacement in Los Angeles.

Pick Which HVAC You Would Like Installed

The first thing that you need to do is figure out what type of system you want to be installed. There are two main types of systems, forced air, and radiant heat. For radiant heat, pipes run through your floors and walls and the heat rises up into the room. For forced air, fans blow the warm air through ducts into each room of your house.

Before deciding on which type of system you want to be installed, think about how much space you have in your home as well as how many people will be occupying it at one time if there are multiple levels. Radiant heat works best when there is ample square footage available for piping that runs through the walls or floors because this helps distribute the heat throughout the house more evenly than other systems do. It’s best to try and get a comparable HVAC to the one that you want to replace.

Be Prepared For Your HVAC Installation

You don’t have control over the weather, but you can prepare for your HVAC installation by making sure that everything is ready for the installer.

Make sure that all of your windows and doors are open and free of furniture or other obstructions. The last thing you want is for an installer to have to stop working because they’re unable to access a room or window due to clutter.

Double-check that your electricity and gas lines are clear of debris and other obstructions. If there’s anything blocking either line, it could cause problems when the new unit is installed.

Arranging for someone to be at your home during the installation so they can show the installer where they want things placed in their home or apartment, they may not know.

Time Is Everything With HVAC Replacement In Los Angeles

Especially during the summer months, you want to make sure that you have a working HVAC unit. In general, HVAC Replacement in Los Angeles can take anywhere from 3-6 hours to install. This time frame does not take into consideration if anything goes wrong during the installation process. At Lions HVAC we try to make all of our HVAC replacements as fast as possible while installing your new HVAC to perfection.

HVAC Size Matters

If you’re replacing a large HVAC unit the time it will take to replace and install will take longer than if you’re replacing a mini-split air conditioner.

A good rule of thumb is to start with the size of your home and add up all of the square footage. This includes every room in the home, including bathrooms and closets. If you live in a two-story house and want central air conditioning, then you need to add up all of the square footage on both floors and take into account any attic space as well.

If your home has more than one level, then make sure that you include any bonus rooms or basements in your calculations as well because they will need heating or cooling too. You may also want to consider adding an additional zone if there are multiple levels in your home so that each level can be controlled separately from one another with individual thermostats for each zone.

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