The 5 Most Common Reasons for AC Repair Services


When you invest in any technology, you want to consider maintenance and repair. As an AC system is something you’ll use every day, you’ll naturally need to give it some TLC to keep it in a working condition. AC repair is something every property in the Los Angeles County area has to think about. Hiring an AC company to install your system helps streamline maintenance and repair services, limiting your downtime. We’re covering the 5 most common AC repair issues and how you can keep your AC system in working order.

  1. Evaporator Coils Freezing

Every AC system in Los Angeles County works by filling the evaporator coil with a refrigerant, which absorbs the heat in the air. For the evaporator coil to work efficiently, it needs warm air to circulate around it. If the airflow is knocked off course, it can reduce the temperature of the evaporator coil and lead to ice building up around the exterior of the coil. If this layer of ice develops, your AC system will only produce hot air, or you might get no ventilation.

  1. Thermostat Issues

This AC repair issue happens primarily with older systems in Los Angeles County. If your system isn’t calibrated correctly, it won’t follow the instructions you’re plugging into the control panel. Booking in for an AC repair service means you can replace the thermostat and make sure it’s correctly set by recalibrating the system.

You can still experience thermostat issues with a newer AC system, as these can be difficult to set up and calibrate. Hiring a local AC repair Los Angeles County company means they can make sure your system is up and running correctly.

  1. Condenser Coils

The condenser coil of your AC system is part of the exterior unit and is essential to the smooth running of your setup. Without the condenser, you can’t remove the heat from the air and expel it from your building. The most common AC repair issue with the condenser coil is that it becomes covered in dirt and debris. This issue is one we often see in Los Angeles County due to the high pollution level.

When your condenser coil is dirty, your AC system won’t work to its full potential, meaning it has to work overtime to get the same results. This process causes excessive wear to the condenser and can result in larger problems down the road. Booking in for a regular AC repair and maintenance service means you can keep the condenser coil clean to prevent these issues.

  1. Fan Issues

The fan of your AC system is often overlooked, although it plays an essential role. It works by blowing air from inside your property into the evaporator coil to help cool the air while blowing it over the condenser coil to send the absorbed heat out of your building.

Your AC system has two fans that work in unison to ensure the smooth operating of your ventilation setup. When either of these fans stops working effectively, your airflow can decrease and lead to larger system problems. Common issues with the AC fan include dirt, faulty motors, reduce lubrication, and worn belts5.

  1. Duct Leakage

Another part of your AC system that you want to consider is the ductwork. This part runs through your building, bringing the cool air with it. Holes can start to develop in your ductwork over time, either due to building issues or rodents. If you experience leakage to your ductwork, it can increase the cost of your energy bills by making your AC system work harder to get the same results and mitigate the leakage. You can call in an AC repair service to check up on your ductwork if you think the system is starting to produce less air.

Most of these issues can be avoided by investing in regular maintenance and AC repair services. At Lions HVAC, we offer an affordable and easy-to-schedule service across the Los Angeles County area. We’ll help you keep your AC system running smoothly, whether we need to upgrade the system and repair any of the above issues. You can schedule an AC repair service with our team of skilled technicians here.

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